Tuesday, July 29, 2008


There is strong evidence that weight loss in overweight and obese individuals decreases their risk of diseases, such as heart conditions and diabetes. The general goals of weight loss and management are to reduce body weight, prevent further weight gain, and maintain a lower body weight over the long term. The initial goal of weight loss in an obese person should be to lose 10% of total body weight, which is manageable for most obese individuals. Once achieved, the 10% weight loss is often easy to maintain. For example, a 300-pound (136-kg) person should initially strive to lose 30 pounds (66 kg). This weight loss should occur over approximately six months. The target should be lose ½ to 2 lbs (0.2 to 1 kg) per week to achieve the initial weight loss goal over six months. Studies have proven that this seemingly small amount of weight loss can have a substantial effect on lowering the risk of developing or worsening diabetes and heart disease. After six months, tactics to maintain weight loss hould be put into place. If more weight loss is needed, another attempt at weight reduction can be made. Adults should work to attain a BMI lower than 25 kg/m2. Any additional decrease in BMI, however, will reduce the overall health risks. It is best for individuals to consult their doctor or health-care professional before embarking on any weight loss plan.

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